Monday, April 17, 2006

A Finished Object!!

My Michigan State scarf is finished!! I might decide to add some fringe on the ends, but that's up in the air for now.

The stockinette rolled a lot, even though I put a garter stitch edging around it. I blocked it overnight and then used a warm iron and a t-shirt to straighten it out. Because it was made of 80% acrylic and 20% wool, I didn't want to iron directly onto the scarf. It actually worked really well. The scarf is going to be boxed up until the fall, so I sprayed Febreze onto it as I was ironing so that it would have a fresh smell at least for awhile.

I have quite a lot of leftover green and a little bit of white, so I am thinking that I might make a cute little beanie to match. Posted by Picasa

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