Today is my birthday, and I must say that it was possibly the worst birthday I've had in awhile. Not to wallow in my own sorrow, but no one remembered. Well, let me rephrase that - no one who actually lives in the same city I do, remembered. So after feeling sorry for myself all day, got take out sushi for dinner, bought myself a birthday cake and finished up a scarf. Having another Christmas present completed really feels good. And, not to sound evil -- but none of the jerks who forgot my birthday will be receiving handknits this year.

The scarf is yet another Sensations Angel Hair scarf. I know, this makes my third, but it is such an easy project, with amazing end results. Don't believe me.. look for yourself!

So, my boyfriend way outdid himself this year for my birthday. He met me at a friend's lake house for the weekend. About 15 of us were there to soak in the sun, and it was lovely (minus the fact that every single one of the girls there was engaged and could only carry on conversations involving weddings or invitations or caterers or dresses or... you get the point). Anyway, when he arrived, I met him at his car to help him carry his stuff in. He asked me to get his car charger out of the glove box. When I opened it up, I saw the infamous teal box and I knew it was going to be something lovely because he has amazing taste. This is what I found:

Then.. when I was only half paying attention because I was still in shock at the beautiful necklace, he says "hey look what I found back here!" It was another box that contained these:

I think more than one tear popped up in my eyes. He's such a wonderful man. I know I'm very lucky. I wore them both to work today even though they really didn't match my outfit. Not surprising, the same people who didn't acknowledge my birthday didn't notice my amazing new jewelry either.