Well, in the past two weeks since my last post - I've moved to another state and spent a week at home in Tennessee doing lots of nothing with my family. And then I did more nothing.
This is the first summer my family has spent in the new house, and I have to say that it is beautiful. The back porch as two levels.. the upper level is for soaking in the sun, and the lower level is especially for the 3/5 of my family that is fair skinned and goes straight from pasty to sunburned with not even a hint of color in between. The view is absolutely spectacular. I spent hours and hours out here in the evenings. Most days that I was home, the temperature was over 100, so there wasn't too much outside time during the day.
This is the view from the upper patio:

And this is the lower patio. Apparantly we've taken to giving treats to all the neighborhood dogs, so anytime you step a foot on either patio, about 5 dogs come running for Beggin Strips.

What does this all have to do with knitting? Well.. all those hours on the patio spent fending off the packs of dogs was also spent knitting washcloths like crazy. Since I am moving into a new place, I thought I would make myself a housewarming gift and replace all my icky kitchen cloths with new, spiffy knitted ones.

The three ballband cloths are from
Mason Dixon Knitting. The one that looks like a quilt piece is also from the Mason Dixon knitting
webpage (I swear the pattern is there, just scroll down to the bottom). And the final one is the ever-popular
Grandmother's Favorite. Since my hometown was so small and all my yarn was in a mysterious location somewhere within my new apartment, I was stuck with the cotton yarn that I could buy at Wal-Mart. I know, I know.. I shopped at the
Evil Empire. However, in my defense it was the only option and it was my first slip up in nearly two years of not spending a dime there. Surely that can be overlooked just this once.
In other knitting news -- I taught my mom to knit!! She's doing pretty well. She's been a crocheter for years and I'm proud of her for wanting to branch out. She's almost got her tension perfect! She also taught me to do some simple crochet. I'm really bad. No seriously, really bad.
In summary,
Total cost: About $1 for two cloths (Peaches & Cream cotton)
Total time: 2-3 hours each (with lots of distraction)