I decided to make a vertical striped scarf similar to the one that my sister got my for Christmas last year. I loved that scarf and I love bright, fun colors. So, when I got a steal of a deal on eBay for some mill end yarns, I knew that I had to make a rainbow scarf out of it.
Using 10.5 circular needles, I cast on about 300 stitches and knit a few rows of each color. I generally did one block of color at night while watching TV, so start to finsish it took a little less than a week (although it has been a WIP for about a month) . I didn't take and "in progress" shots because everything looks weird on circular needles, and to be honest, I thought it was going to turn out terrible. It wasn't until I added on the blue and the purple that it actually looked good.
The scarf was intended to be gifted to a lady in the community that I really admire who is doing a lot of volunteer
civil rights stuff for the gay and lesbian community. However, on a good day she is 5 foot tall, and the scarf comes to my knees without wrapping it (and I'm 5'10"). So, this scarf is going to get a different home than its original intention.
I really like the final product. I know that I way overuse the garter stitch in everything, but in a scarf like this, the colors are so bold that your stitches need not be.
I'm down to
one WIP at the moment and itching to cast on for something different. I'm going to force myself to work on it at least until the end of the weekend.